#1 Pre-owned CAD-CAM Service in the world! Over $17 Million Dollars in transactions.
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Frequently Asked Questions

If I buy a used unit, will Patterson provide me with service and support?

Yes, Patterson is contractually obligated by Sirona to provide service and support to any CEREC systems originally sold in the United States.

*The only units that you can be declined service and support are units that were originally sold in Germany.  Rather ironic, as all of these units are manufactured in Germany in the first place. 


Can I join the service club?

Yes, any CEREC system originally sold in the United States is eligible for the service club, as long as the unit you have was not a former trade-in unit or originally sold in Germany (those units have the Y & Z reversed on the keyboard). Patterson may require a “joiner’s fee” if the previous owner’s service club has been terminated for some time.  I understand there is a one-time fee of $1500.00. Contact your local branch to find out the exact fees.  If you are a "whale" account (do big volume) with them, I'm sure they will accommodate you with no fees. 


Do you offer any warranties or guarantees?

Yes, your CEREC is guaranteed to arrive in 100% working condition unless otherwise disclosed. Sirona factory warranty is transferable to you if you sign up for the service club (monthly fee). The factory warranty is 1-year from the date of installation, with an additional 6-years if you are on the service club with Patterson.